Christian Books – Donna Louis – The Living Gift

Christian Books – Donna Louis – The Living Gift!


Well the big day is over and Santa Claus has come and gone. Now stage two begins, the returning and exchanging of gifts. Check out my website

Christian Books There are all types of gifts:  clothes, electronics, jewelry, appliances, etc., however there is also the living gift.

This is the time of year when you see all types of commercials telling you to adopt a pet. Advertisements for the ASPCA, but there are other shelters as well. The pictures of the dogs and cats look so adorable, and then there are the benefits. Having a companion that will love you no matter what. The health benefits of keeping your blood pressure normal when you pet and stroke your four-legged companion. Christian Books – Donna Louis – The Living Gift

These are the living gifts that require responsibility. They are not an article of clothing that you can just return or exchange at the store. When you adopt an animal or decide to give one as a gift remember, they are a lifetime responsibility! They require food, water, shelter, healthcare, and above all LOVE. You cannot just decide to take a sick day here and there and just ignore them. Above all you cannot just decide you can’t be bothered anymore and put the animal out, they have feelings too. It is always important to use wisdom on a daily basis but this time of the year even more than ever. If you are not judicious in this gift giving it can turn out to be more harmful than good. If we don’t acknowledge the responsibility that is required to have these living gifts then places like the ASPCA become overloaded because we decide they are too much trouble and maintenance and we give them away and if no one adopts them then it becomes a tragedy.

So at this holiday season be mindful and remember the living gift is no ordinary gift!


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