Christian Books – Donna Louis – Anxiety & Depression

Christian Books – Donna Louis – Anxiety & Depression

“I found that with depression, one of the most important things you can realize is that you’re not alone. You’re not the first to go through it, you’re not gonna be the last to go through it,” — Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

“There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” ― John Green

“I keep moving ahead, as always, knowing deep down inside that I am a good person and that I am worthy of a good life.” ― Jonathan Harnisch

“If you have been brutally broken but still have the courage to be gentle to other living beings, then you’re a badass with a heart of an angel.” — Keanu Reeves

Mental Health is a real issue that we all need to take seriously. If you know someone who may be suffering, then reach out to them and show them love. No man is an island and we all at some point in our lives must lean on someone else. If you see a person that is suffering don’t just shake your head and turn the other way. Don’t think that they are just a weakling so whatever happens to them they deserve. You might live to regret those unsavory thoughts.  If Jesus had done that when he was here walking the earth where would we all be now? Check out my website

If you are a person dealing with mental health issues, please reach out and get help. Don’t think that you are the only one dealing with these issues. People in the Bible dealt with mental health issues as well. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Anxiety & Depression

Kind David battled depression, despair, fear, guilt, loneliness, anguish and much more. He detailed all of this in the Book of Psalms. ““My guilt has overwhelmed me like a burden too heavy to bear.” – Psalm 38:4. “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” – Psalm 42:11. He also spoke about his grief regarding the loss of his son in the book of 2 Samuel Chapter 12. David sinned a great sin against God by sleeping with a married woman named Bathsheba and killed her husband Uriah and then married her and she conceived. God struck and killed his son even though David prayed for forgiveness and fasted. Check out my website

Elijah the prophet who had a multitude of spiritual victories was fearful, tired, and distraught and ran away and said, “I have had enough Lord, he said. Take my life, I am not better than my ancestors.” 1 Kings 19:4. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Anxiety & Depression

Jonah who ran from God when he asked him to go to Nineveh to preach to the people was ultimately swallowed by a whale. After three days God had the whale spit Jonah out and he headed to Nineveh. He had great success there with the people, but he was angry instead and said, “Now O Lord, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live.” Jonah 4:3. And God said to Jonah, Doest thou well to be angry for the gourd? And he said, I do well to be angry, even unto death.” – Jonah 4:9.

Job was a righteous man and loved God, but he lost almost everything enduring great devastation and physical illness. “Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.” – Job 2:9. He then said, “Why did I not perish at birth, and die as I came from the womb?” Job 3:11.” Job also said, “I have no peace, no quietness, I have no rest, but only turmoil.” Job 3:26. Job continued to also say, “I loathe my very life; therefore, I will give free rein to my complaint and speak out in the bitterness of my soul.” Job 10:1. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Anxiety & Depression


Jesus was deeply depressed and distraught knowing the things that he had to deal with including the cross. Jesus prayed to God saying, and saith unto them, my soul is exceeding sorrowful unto death: tarry ye here, and watch. And he went forward a little, and fell on the ground, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him. And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless, not what I will, but what thou wilt. – Mark 14:34-36.

If you see something say something. If you are the person suffering you speak up and say something. No matter how it may appear there is still more good in this world than bad and there are people waiting to extend their arms and help you to overcome. Remember God says, “I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”.