Christian Books – Donna Louis – Victory Starts In Your Thinking

Christian Books – Donna Louis – Victory Starts In Your Thinking

Whether you think you can or think you can’t you’re right. – Henry Ford

Best Selling author Joyce Meyer always says, “where the mind goes the man follows”, and that is true.

If you believe you will be a successful person living a thriving life that is exactly what will happen to you. If, however you think you never get any good breaks, and you will just live a life of surviving you are right. Check out my website

Every new day that God wakes you up is an opportunity to build your legend. You are God’s masterpiece which means you are an original and so you have the opportunity to carve your victorious life. So how do you do that? You start by thinking victorious thoughts about yourself and what you have to offer. If you eat junk food constantly because your mind tells you that you just can’t live without that soda, dessert, or triple cheeseburger and large onion rings then you will wind up being overweight with the possibility of having future health issues. If you are always thinking that I am nobody special at my workplace I am just lucky to have a job, then every time there is a job opportunity or promotion you will never get it because you will fail miserably at the interview. The thoughts and effort that you put into something is what will determine the type of refund you receive. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Victory Starts In Your Thinking

In the Bible the Book of Proverbs which is the book of wisdom states, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” – Proverbs 23:7. In 1937 author Napoleon Hill wrote an incredible book titled, Think and Grow Rich” which has been called the Grandaddy of all motivational books. Chapter 1 of the book is titled, “Thought Are Things.” This speaks for itself because if you are thinking negative thoughts that is the direction your life will head in. Another chapter in the book titled, “The Brain” Napoleon Hill calls the brain your broadcasting and receiving station. So, if his assessment is true then if you want to lead a victorious life you need to think victoriously. Check out my website

The bible is the greatest book you can read that will flood you with positive thoughts. Then add to that by reading positive affirmations, listening to positive podcasts and videos that will inspire and enrich your life. Now as with anything new you will need to give it a chance to become a part of you and soak it in. They say that any new behavior pattern takes 30 days for it to become a habit so take it step by step. Retraining your mind to think victorious thoughts will take time. It is a daily challenge but depending on how you see yourself and the things you wish to achieve in life will tell whether you become a success or a failure. Your WHY will be your most motivating factor. Another big arsenal that you can add is a vision board. If you cut out pictures of all the things you want to accomplish in life in all aspects of your life not just material things and place them on this board and look at it every day that will help you to dream which will expand your imagination. Einstein said, “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Christian Books – Donna Louis – Victory Starts In Your Thinking

Douchan Gersi was a Slovak-born, Belgium-raised, Bali-based adventurer, documentary filmmaker, author and actor who stated, “Victory always starts in the head. It’s a state of mind. It then spreads with such radiance and such affirmations that destiny can do nothing but obey.”






Christian Books – Donna Louis – When Things Don’t Make Sense

Christian Books – Donna Louis – When Things Don’t Make Sense

We all have seasons that we go through as we live this journey that is called life. We all are most joyful when we are in a harvest season. That means everything is going our way and coming up like roses. There are no struggles or challenges that come up and whatever our hands touch prospers. Check out my website

However, we all realize that there is also a winter season and that does not bring pleasant things. Winter seasons are harsh and grueling. Everything we try to do backfires and blows up in our face. Every time you look around all you seem to be doing is putting out fires. For every step you take forward you are being pulled back five. Why is this happening? This is when things don’t make sense.


You worked very hard for that promotion, yet you were passed over by someone who doesn’t have anywhere near the qualifications you do. Your offering bid for that dream home you want was declined and someone who didn’t offer as much was approved. You have changed the way you eat, and you are eating healthier and exercising yet when you take your A1C test your blood sugar levels are still through the roof. You are in the choir in your church, you are one of the teachers for the Sunday’s school classes in church, you are also an usher but when it is time to be selected as a board member in the church you are passed over. You have been praying for years to have a baby and for God to open your barren womb. Finally, the pregnancy test is positive, and you carry your baby almost full term only to have a miscarriage.  Your spouse and you are godly people and attend church regularly but while at work you get a phone call from the police that says your spouse has just committed suicide. What is happening? My spouse never showed signs of having mental health issues. Where is God? Christian Books – Donna Louis – When Things Don’t Make Sense

When things don’t make sense don’t panic God is still in control. To the natural man it does not appear that way. God however is supernatural he knows things we don’t. When God designed you, he knew every disappointment, every hurt, you would encounter. Sometimes we go through arduous winter seasons because God is trying to improve us. There are things inside of us that he needs to remove and grow us up and those things don’t happen when we are in a harvest season, and everything is going great. You’re wondering why that dream of yours is taking so long. Well maybe what you are dreaming for is much smaller than what God has in mind for you and so it’s taking longer. The longer what you desire takes to manifest that is because it is going to be so much greater than what you expected. If you are dealing with some very tragic and dramatic events in your life that is because God knows you will have some rougher waters ahead of you in your future and so he needs to start preparing you now. You are stronger than you think. Remember you can do all things through Christ that strengthens you. Check out my website

When things don’t make sense don’t abandon all the good things you have been doing. Keep being good to people, keep tithing in church, keep going to church, continue to be a person of integrity, and above all continue to thank God and have gratitude because when God provides you with your breakthrough it will be so dynamic and monumental you will say look at what the Lord has done. Christian Books – Donna Louis – When Things Don’t Make Sense





Christian Books – Enjoy The Journey

Christian Books – Enjoy The Journey

Whether you are commuting to church, work, school, a friend’s home, the grocery store, the bank, the gym to work out, the movies, a restaurant for dinner, an amusement park, or going on vacation or host of other things you are on a journey. A journey is an act or instance of traveling from one place to another. Christian Books – Enjoy The Journey.

In the same way that we have an earthly journey we have a spiritual journey as well. We are traveling day by day until we are called home to our maker. A spiritual journey just like an earthly journey is made up of choices. However, because God placed us all here with a purpose and have given us all gifts and talents that we are to use to glorify his kingdom if we start to go astray, he will rearrange our choices and implement the correct ones so we will stay on the course he designed for us before he formed us in our mother’s womb. Christian Books – Enjoy The Journey.

It is equally important that we enjoy the journey as well as the destination. All of us want to be successful and thrive in life but we must remember that when we plant a seed for flowers, or fruits, or vegetables, or whatever there is a journey that the seed must go through before it becomes all it is meant to be. There will be peaks and valleys, straight roads and curved roads, mountains and flat terrain, in essence joys and sadness, but all of that is necessary so you can become the person you are meant to be just like the seed. My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into diver’s temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. – James 1:1-8. If you don’t quite understand what that means let me simplify it for you – to everything there is a season, and an appointed time and God is the one who determines that time so don’t get frustrated just enjoy the journey. You will get to where you are meant to be if you don’t give up. So, what should we do while on our journey? I love to work with acronyms so let’s take a look. Christian Books – Enjoy The Journey

J = Joy. Well, we don’t have to go back far because just a few sentences ago in James 1:1 it said to count it all joy when ye fall into diver’s temptations. Trials are just a test that we must pass so God will bless us with what we’re asking for. Just like a small child has a Christmas list for Santa we as adults have an everyday Christmas list for God. We want, and want, and want some more. Well, the same way a parent is not going to give their car to a six-year-old to drive because they know the child is not capable of handling the vehicle is the same way God is not going to give us what we want unless we are prepared to handle what goes along with it. Just because you don’t receive what you are asking for in the time frame that you want it doesn’t mean it won’t happen so keep your joy always.

O = Observant. It is very important that you are observant while on your journey because sometimes tests actually get repeated. There is a story called The Potter’s Wheel – The Teacup by an unknown author who spoke about how this potter who owned an antique shop and a couple came inside to look because they liked antiques and saw this beautiful teacup unlike anything they had ever seen and asked the potter if they could see it. He handed it to them and walked away and they marveled about how beautiful the teacup was. At the exact moment the teacup spoke to them and said it was not always a teacup. The teacup explained how it had been placed by the potter on this wheel being spun back and forth and then how it was placed in this oven to be refined and every time it screamed to get out the potter opened the oven and checked on it and placed it back in saying it wasn’t ready yet. This is how God is with us. However, with the testing we endure we need to make sure that if we failed a test previously because of a lack of patience or something else we must be observant when that test comes back and make the right choice so we will move forward and not have to keep repeating it and going around and around. As a child there was a song kids would sing called “Here we go round the Mulberry Bush.” Several kids would join hands in a circle and skip around a tree or bush and sing as they went around. We must be careful and observant not to repeat our mistakes just like the children of Israel did why it took them 40 years to get to the promise land instead of 11 days.

U = Unique. When something is unique it is distinctively characteristic. This is the way you must see yourself. You are God’s masterpiece and when he created you, he broke the mold. Just like you hear fingerprint experts say that no one has the same set of fingerprints that is true because each one of us is unique in our own way. God designed us that way and so the gifts and talents that he gave to you are specific to you and what he wants you to accomplish in life so don’t compare yourself to others because what you can do easily maybe a huge chore for someone else.

R = Rest. The same way that you hear health experts say you should get at least eight hours of sleep per night so your body can function properly and replenish itself is exactly what God did when he created the earth. He worked six days and then rested on the seventh. We also must rest. Sometimes we keep ourselves so busy that we are spinning out of control. Trust God and allow him to take the reigns of your life and you will see things will run more smoothly. When we allow God to have the lead role and be our pilot things work out better. Since the dawn of time and the creation of the earth God gave us choices and he has always been a gentleman where he will not invoke his power on us. If we insist of being in control, he will allow us to do that and just take a back seat and wait until we are completely worn out and spent and cry out for his help and then he will step back in. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” – James 4:7. Rest and let God do the work.

N = New. “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” – Lamentations 3:22-23. The Bible says that we all fall short of the glory of God, but this above verse let’s us know that no matter what his mercy and compassion for us fail not. Each day that God provides the breath of life in your body is a new day to be grateful and go forward asking him to guide and direct your steps. Pray Lord thank you for your favor in everything you do. Every day is a new day with a new opportunity to do better while we are on this journey. For the entire six days that it took God to create the earth everyday he improved and did better. This is what he expects of us and if we will remove the stress and take off the pressure it will allow us to greatly improve with each new day. Each day is a gift, and we need to choose wisely to do better than what we did yesterday. Don’t say it’s too hard because the Bible says you can do all things through Christ which strengthens you.

E = Expectant. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.” – Jeremiah 29:11. God is clearly telling you here that he is not thinking evil thoughts about you and wants to give you peace and an expected end so if God is thinking and saying that why are you saying the opposite? You must be expecting the best every day. Miracles can happen at any moment but if you are thinking that nothing good ever happens to me that is exactly what will keep happening. The book of Job in the Bible talks about a righteous man who lost everything, but God let him know, “Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.” – Job 8:7. Don’t think my time has passed it is too late for me to have anything good happen to me always have an expectant attitude.

Y = Yes. Yes – used as a function word to express assent or agreement. Do you know what the most powerful word in the English language is? It is the word YES. A lot of people believe that NO is the most powerful word but that would be wrong. The word NO shows closed-mindedness and fear but, the word YES shows true strength and courage. The word YES signals interest and respect. When you say the word YES you look at what is presented to you and simply look at the problem in front of you in a fresh way. The word YES is a positive affirmation. It reflects in your body language and makes you feel valued. The word YES stretches you, challenges, energizes, creates safety and trust, and fuels creativity. There are many people in the bible that knew the power of the word YES. God used everyday people who said yes to him in the Bible. Noah said yes when God asked him to build an ark. Abraham said yes when God asked him to sacrifice his only son. However, God spared his life. Moses said yes when God told him to ask Pharaoh to let the Israelites go. Mary said yes when the angel asked her to carry Jesus, the only Son of God. The disciples said yes when Jesus asked them to leave everything behind and follow Him. Paul, who once persecuted Christians as Saul, said yes when God asked him to deliver the Good News of Jesus Christ to the Gentiles. These people were not extraordinary people with great fortitude and toughness. They were normal people who tolerated, wrestled, and wept but still said yes to God and His will. The biggest one of all is Jesus who said YES to being crucified on the cross. What was his reward? He now sits on the throne on the right side of the Father. Try it for yourself say YES to God and see how much smoother your journey will be. Christian Books – Enjoy The Journey.



The Rain Falls On The Just & The Unjust Another Prospective


The Rain Falls On The Just & The Unjust Another Prospective

Lots of people have had to endure some major downpours of rain in the forms of losing a loved one to a Mass Shooting, or Covid-19, or a child to school shootings, or intense hatred from Racism. Then there are also lives that were lost to Political Divisions like the rampage at the U. S. Capitol building, and the loss of life from opioid addiction. The list is endless of bad things that happen to good people. However, we must remember that Jesus came to give us life and life more abundantly. Two of the greatest spirited motivational speakers Tony Robbins & Les Brown tell us to keep the faith and keep moving forward. After the rain, God will give us all beauty for ashes. Check out my website

As we have read in the bible, but I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust. – The Rain Falls On The Just & The Unjust Another Prospective

God sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for all our sins. God also gave us freedom of choice and some of us choose to live life doing good while others choose to do evil. God is no respecter of persons so all of us will have to endure testing periods in our lives. One of the greatest well-known figures in the bible went through long arduous testing from God. Joseph had to wait 13 years before he lived his dream of being second in command to Pharoah. Joseph endured lots of trials: being thrown in a ditch by his brothers was sold into slavery, was imprisoned because he was wrongfully accused of trying to sleep with Pharoah’s wife, and finally, he interpreted a dream and was released from prison and was promoted to second in command behind Pharoah. – The Rain Falls On The Just & The Unjust Another Prospective

Remember God never gives you more than you can bear, you are stronger than you think. Remember events will happen in life but your reaction to them will determine the outcome as to whether you pass the test and rise or if you fall. You cannot have a testimony if you do not have a test. – The Rain Falls On The Just & The Unjust Another Prospective

This is the reason for me writing the three books I have written, and I have been blessed for them to be Award-Winning Books: Miracles of Direction Miracles of Conquest Miracles of Provision Miracles of Purpose, Book of Proverbs – Proverbs for The Modern Day, and Thriving In Every Season Of Life With God. I was awarded one of the 50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading For 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018. I was a nominee for Top Female Author in 2017. I won Top Female Author in 2018 for the Religion/Philosophy/Spiritual category. Finally, I was awarded a 5-Star Book Review from Readers’ Favorite in March 2021. I feel so blessed and humbled to have received these awards and accolades.

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Christian Books – Negativity – Thriving In Every Season Of Life With God

Christian Books – Negativity – Thriving In Every Season Of Life With God

Let go of the people who dull your shine, poison your spirit, and bring you drama. Cancel your subscription to their issues. – Steve Maraboli

“Negativity is the enemy of creativity.” — David Lynch

“There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative.” — W. Clement Stone

“Fall seven times and stand up eight.” – Japanese Proverb

“When the world pushes you to your knees, you’re in the perfect position to pray.” – Rumi

Daily we truly must maintain control of our minds. What we allow to grow in our minds in the present and fertilize it is what our future will be like. In the same way, we must also watch the words we speak because they will also shape our future. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.” – Proverbs 18:21. “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he: Eat and drink, saith he to thee; but his heart is not with thee.” – Proverbs 23:7. Where the man goes the mind follows. – Joyce Meyer.

In the same way that a car battery has a negative and positive terminal, we have the choice to live either negatively or positively. We also have the choice to speak negative or positive words and most definitely we have the choice regarding who to keep company and friendships with. Sure, we also have negative family members, but we can also control how much time we spend with them. Choice is something that God gave us from the beginning when he created Adam and Eve. God warned them about the tree of knowledge of good and evil and not to eat of it, but Eve chose to be deceived by the serpent and Adam chose to go along with Eve in eating the fruit from the tree. Christian Books – Negativity – Thriving In Every Season Of Life With God

Every day we are presented with many choices, but it is up to us to choose wisely. That is why it is so critical to pray for wisdom daily. Some things we can stay away from completely. An example of this would be if you are a person who is allergic to shellfish then do not order it when dining out at a restaurant and do not buy it to cook for meals. If you do then you know what is next, you will have to snuggle up with a bottle of Benadryl when you break out in hives. However, there are times when you do not have control over things or persons that are negative. If your co-worker is a negative person then do not sit down and have lunch with them every day. Remember that adage that says couples married for a long time begin to look alike. “Back in 1987, scientists from the University of Michigan set out to study the phenomenon of married couples who grow to look more alike over time. (Their theory, which scientists still cite today, was that decades of shared emotions result in a closer resemblance due to similar wrinkles and expressions.)” – This is a part of an article written by JAMIE DUCHARME back on April 4, 2019, who works for Well, the same thing applies to the company you keep. If you continuously hang around a negative person you will pick up their habits. Christian Books – Negativity – Thriving In Every Season Of Life With God

Life is short and every moment counts. You do not have time to surround yourself around negativity. You need to look at the glass as half full and not half empty. Curtail negative words such as:  Cannot, Do not, Impossible, Unable. Instead replace them with words like:  Can, Attainable, Possible, Confident, Empowered. Remember in the bible it says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” – Philippians 4:13. Christian Books – Negativity – Thriving In Every Season Of Life With God

It is also necessary that we do not hold onto negative things that people have done to us and hurt us and keep replaying them in our minds. You are only hurting yourself. Trust me I know firsthand. You must pray and ask God to help you to be a bigger and better person. Wrapping yourself up in negativity like the blanket that Linus carried around with him from the Charlie Brown cartoon will only detract from a life of thriving.

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