Christian Books – Donna Louis – New Year’s Eve-New Year’s Day

Christian Books – Donna Louis – New Year’s Eve-New Year’s Day

Another year is coming to a close and the festivities of parties and entertainment are commencing. Where is the hot spot for the night? I need to go shopping and get an awesome outfit for tonight is what goes through your mind. For the single people, the biggest question is who can I kiss on New Year’s Eve? The memories of the lost broken relationship that you wish could have lasted until the New Year and then start fresh again couldn’t last. Christian Books – Donna Louis – New Year’s Eve-New Year’s Day.










Then there is the long list of resolutions that we all make determined to keep them all. Especially the resolutions to lose weight and quit smoking. Now is when you start to see the bombardment of TV commercials for fitness centers, weight loss clinics, and let’s not forget all the women who book trips to the Caribbean to get liposuction surgery when all else has failed.


How about setting goals that are attainable instead of resolutions that we mostly never live up to?

How about trying to live each new day better than the last? We all need to be the best person we can be and spread love to everyone we meet.

How about being thankful for each new day that God has granted you because the next day is not promised to any of us. We all need to live in a daily state of gratitude, keep the faith, keep hope alive, trust God to provide for our every need and move us from a life of surviving to thriving.

Above all commit to treating each person you meet the way you wish to be treated and spread LOVE every day.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Christian Books – Donna Louis – Waltzing with God

The Waltz is a smooth progressive dance characterized by long, flowing, movements, continuous turns, and rise and fall. The waltz is graceful and elegant.


Romantic Waltz is one of the most popular ballroom dances of all time. Considered by some as the “mother of present-day dances” and the “backbone dance” of the ballroom. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Waltzing with God.

There are many different versions of the waltz such as the Viennese, Scandinavian, Peruvian, Country Western, and many others. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Waltzing with God. Check out my website

“The most interesting, the most inventive, the most elegant dancers of our times.” “A genius…a classical dancer like I never saw in my life.” “Her ability to combine dancing skills, natural beauty, and exceptional abilities as a dramatic actress and comedienne truly complimented him.”

The above three statements refer to the greatest dance duo ever Fred Astaire & Ginger Rogers. They were like poetry in motion. Of the ten films they did together the waltz scene in “Swing Time”, to the musical tune “Waltz in Swing Time” was breathtaking!

Every day from the moment you give your life to Christ is like a waltz. Little by little God starts to change you into his likeness just the same as the smooth progression the waltz is characterized by. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ – Philippians 1:6.

As we are growing in Christ, we also face continuous turns and times when we are abased, and when we are abounding just like the rise and fall movements in a waltz. Nevertheless, I am continually with thee:  thou has holden me by my right hand- Psalm 73:23.

The Waltz is synonymous with beauty and grace. Enjoy each day of your life with God just like a waltz, where you cannot help feeling swept back to an era where romance ruled the world and moved the heavens.

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