Catapulting – hurling or launching (something) in a specified direction. Book of Proverbs -God is in the Catapulting Business.
GOD can and will bless you and catapult you years ahead regarding your desires. Whatever you are dreaming, wishing, and praying for GOD can and will make it happen in record time. Or like the Star Trek fans (Trekkies) call it Warp Speed! Book of Proverbs – God is in the Catapulting Business. Check out my website
A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time. – Isaiah 60:22. GOD wants to pour out his spirit and empower you. Our heavenly father wants to launch you forward into your destiny. God wants to launch you at lightning speed! Book of Proverbs – God is in the Catapulting Business.
We work on an earthly time schedule which is the exact opposite of GOD. For GOD a thousand years are like a day. Faith is what shapes GOD’S time schedule. Faith is what makes GOD catapult you. There is something about believing God that will cause him to pass over a million people to get to you. – Smith Wigglesworth.
All of us know someone who has had their dreams manifested at warp speed however that does not seem to happen for you. You dream of getting that promotion but someone less qualified gets it. At one point you applied for that small business loan and your idea was great however someone else gets the approval for a business that doesn’t sound half as lucrative as your idea. What is the missing ingredient? A mustard seed. GOD says if you will have the faith of a mustard seed which is the smallest seed ever then is when the catapult happens. Faith is trusting in the unseen. I have used this example before because most people can relate to it. Rollercoaster rides are the ultimate adrenaline rush. However, you don’t ever think before you embark on the ride what if the roller-coaster gets stuck high up in the air. Is it possible that there will be a malfunction with the ride, and you will be dangling in mid-air praying everything will be alright? No, of course not. You always have faith that this man-made metal ride will always land you safely on the ground when the ride is over. Why do you not have that type of faith in GOD? That is what GOD is waiting to get from you and then you will be catapulted into your dreams. Do you want to manage a team of 100 people, start your own successful business, become a successful playwright, be a New York Times bestselling author, pay off your home early? The desires are endless. It is important that you do your part and GOD will do his part. Therefore it is imperative that You have Faith and GOD will do the Catapulting. Book of Proverbs – God is in the Catapulting Business. Check out my website