Christian Books – Donna Louis – Blessings Disguised As Burdens

Christian Books – Donna Louis – Blessings Disguised As Burdens

Blessings – the act or words of one that blesses, a thing conducive to happiness or welfare. –

Now you might not say exactly God bless me. Instead you may say God I want a new car,need a new job with better pay, want to own my own business, want to own a home of my own, desire a spouse so I’m no longer lonely, want to have a baby, etc. The list is endless but when we say these things, we are asking God to bless us.

Now a days we get what they call alerts to our phones. Especially if it is an AMBER alert. What is an amber alert? The AMBER Alert System began in 1996 when Dallas-Fort Worth broadcasters teamed with local police to develop an early warning system to help find abducted children. AMBER stands for America’s Missing: Broadcast Emergency Response and was created as a legacy to 9-year-old Amber Hagerman, who was kidnapped while riding her bicycle in Arlington, TX, and then brutally murdered. Other states and communities soon set up their own AMBER plans as the idea was adopted across the nation. –

Well God’s alerts are blessings disguised as burdens. Every time you encounter a challenging situation it is a test that God is putting you through to determine if you are ready to receive the blessing you have been asking about. Now since none of us like to be away from our blanket like the one Linus had in the Peanuts cartoon and we always want to be comfortable God is not going to allow that to happen. If you want great things, you must take great risks and go through many tests and struggles. The more you ask for and the bigger your dreams then just strap yourself in because it is going to be a long ride.  If Jesus had to endure the cross what makes us believe we are above reproach? Christian Books – Donna Louis – Blessings Disguised As Burdens

In the Bible Joseph was told in a dream that he was going to be a high ranking official but what he didn’t know is all the burdens he would have to endure and how long it would take to reach that pinnacle and be living that dream. His brothers threw him in a pit, and he was picked up by a caravan and taken to Pharoah. He was placed in jail because Pharoah’s wife lied and said he tried to be intimate with her when he didn’t. One of the people in jail became friends with Joseph and promised to speak with Pharoah about releasing him when he was released but he forgot, and Joseph remained in jail until Pharoah had a disturbing dream and since God had blessed Joseph to interpret dreams, he was called by Pharoah, and he interpreted the dream and finally he was released and Pharoah made Joseph second in command behind him.

Don’t try to pray away all the unpleasant things that happen in your life and the burdens you have to bear because they are actually the things that are going to elevate you to the blessing you have been asking God for. Christian Books – Donna Louis – Blessings Disguised As Burdens

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